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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participant: F. Sur

This 3-year project (2019-2022) headed by B. Blaysat (Université Clermont-Auvergne), is supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche. It addresses residual stresses, which are introduced in the bulk of materials during processing or manufacturing. Since unintended residual stresses often initiate early failure, it is of utmost importance to correctly measure them. The goal of the ICaRes project is to improve the performance of residual stress estimation through the so-called virtual digital image correlation (DIC) which will be developed. The basic idea of virtual DIC is to mark the specimen with virtual images coming from a controlled continuous image model, instead of the standard random pattern. Virtual DIC is expected to outperform standard DIC by, first, matching real images of the materials with the virtual images, then, to run DIC on the virtual images on which strain fields are estimated, giving ultimately residual stresses.


(2016-2010) Participants: M.-O. Berger, V. Gaudillière, G. Simon.

This 4-years project is supported by DGA/DGE and led by the SBS-Interactive company. The objective is to develop a prototype for location and object recognition in large-scale industrial environments (factories, ships...), with the aim to enrich the operator's field of view with digital information and media. The main issues concern the size of the environment, the nature of the objects (often non textured, highly specular...) and the presence of repeated patterns.

This year we have built a demonstrator to locate a camera in a factory modeled by a set of registered RGB-D panoramic images. The panoramic image closest to the current image is selected using a CNN descriptor calculated inside proposed boxes. Points and edges are then detected and matched between the current image and the selected panoramic image by using our method published at ICIP 2018 [31]. The camera pose can finally be obtained with regard to the scene by transitivity (image panoramic view scene).